






Utility-back yield

Enhance cross-chain safety

Utility-back yield

Enhance cross-chain safety

Utility-back yield

Enhance cross-chain safety

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[ Why choose us ]

bridging just got much better with Lumina

bridging just got much better with Lumina

bridging just got much better with Lumina

Lumina is the first Byzantine Fault Tolerant bridge to augment assets across blockchains with fail-safe mechanism with liquid staking derivatives(LSD).

Lumina is the first Byzantine Fault Tolerant bridge to augment assets across blockchains with fail-safe mechanism with liquid staking derivatives(LSD).

LSD bridge

Make your asset interest-bearing after staking to secure multichain network...


Restake Lumina LSDs on curated liquidity pool for upcoming Layer 2s or blockchains...


Join Exclusive opportunities subscribed with $LUM and its ecosystem...

Intent-centric Multichain Execution

Make your asset interest-bearing after staking to secure multichain network...

Contribution-led Governance

Earn your rights through the actual influence you contribute in the system...


Make your asset interest-bearing after staking to secure multichain network...

  • LSD bridge

    Make your asset interest-bearing after staking to secure multichain network. Do not lose staked asset on slash, lose points to earn $LUM staking rewards.

    Unlike other bridges, users stake original assets in their personal account in Lumina, and it uses LSD to move across chains with rewards.

    Always claim back your original asset safely without getting it mixed with others' fund to be hacked.

  • Restaking

    Restake Lumina LSDs on curated liquidity pool for upcoming Layer 2s or blockchains to earn your rewards without going through airdrop quests.

    With Lumina LSDs, unified liquidity with limitless opportunities comes at the most simplified user experience. Join restaking ecosystem with intents to get extra yield from Eigenlayer through Lumina.

  • Membership

    Join Exclusive opportunities subscribed with $LUM and its ecosystem.

    Lumina provides revenue share of 40% from protocol fees to exclusive members.

  • Intent-centric Multichain Execution

    Buy a coin with maximum amount with minimum price, Lend it with maximum deposit value with minimum interest. Get maximum benefit with minimum cost.

    With Lumina’s connected apps, it aggregates the financial trades or loans and always gives the best execution to user’s intent.

  • Contribution-led Governance

    Earn your rights through the actual influence you contribute in the system.

    The protocol is designed with membership in mind, making people have stronger power with risks and credits involved with Lumina and its connected ecosystem.

  • Circulation

    Circulate $LUM, the heart of Lumina with its membership and services. Get sustainable benefits through cirrculation.

    Lumina builds economy, not ponzis. $LUM is a currency like bitcoin which has limited supply with halvening and aims to maintain with protocol fees in the end.

  • LSD bridge

    Make your asset interest-bearing after staking to secure multichain network. Do not lose staked asset on slash, lose points to earn $LUM staking rewards.

    Unlike other bridges, users stake original assets in their personal account in Lumina, and it uses LSD to move across chains with rewards.

    Always claim back your original asset safely without getting it mixed with others' fund to be hacked.

  • Restaking

    Restake Lumina LSDs on curated liquidity pool for upcoming Layer 2s or blockchains to earn your rewards without going through airdrop quests.

    With Lumina LSDs, unified liquidity with limitless opportunities comes at the most simplified user experience. Join restaking ecosystem with intents to get extra yield from Eigenlayer through Lumina.

  • Membership

    Join Exclusive opportunities subscribed with $LUM and its ecosystem.

    Lumina provides revenue share of 40% from protocol fees to exclusive members.

  • Intent-centric Multichain Execution

    Buy a coin with maximum amount with minimum price, Lend it with maximum deposit value with minimum interest. Get maximum benefit with minimum cost.

    With Lumina’s connected apps, it aggregates the financial trades or loans and always gives the best execution to user’s intent.

  • Contribution-led Governance

    Earn your rights through the actual influence you contribute in the system.

    The protocol is designed with membership in mind, making people have stronger power with risks and credits involved with Lumina and its connected ecosystem.

  • Circulation

    Circulate $LUM, the heart of Lumina with its membership and services. Get sustainable benefits through cirrculation.

    Lumina builds economy, not ponzis. $LUM is a currency like bitcoin which has limited supply with halvening and aims to maintain with protocol fees in the end.

  • LSD bridge

    Make your asset interest-bearing after staking to secure multichain network. Do not lose staked asset on slash, lose points to earn $LUM staking rewards.

    Unlike other bridges, users stake original assets in their personal account in Lumina, and it uses LSD to move across chains with rewards.

    Always claim back your original asset safely without getting it mixed with others' fund to be hacked.

  • Restaking

    Restake Lumina LSDs on curated liquidity pool for upcoming Layer 2s or blockchains to earn your rewards without going through airdrop quests.

    With Lumina LSDs, unified liquidity with limitless opportunities comes at the most simplified user experience. Join restaking ecosystem with intents to get extra yield from Eigenlayer through Lumina.

  • Membership

    Join Exclusive opportunities subscribed with $LUM and its ecosystem.

    Lumina provides revenue share of 40% from protocol fees to exclusive members.

  • Intent-centric Multichain Execution

    Buy a coin with maximum amount with minimum price, Lend it with maximum deposit value with minimum interest. Get maximum benefit with minimum cost.

    With Lumina’s connected apps, it aggregates the financial trades or loans and always gives the best execution to user’s intent.

  • Contribution-led Governance

    Earn your rights through the actual influence you contribute in the system.

    The protocol is designed with membership in mind, making people have stronger power with risks and credits involved with Lumina and its connected ecosystem.

  • Circulation

    Circulate $LUM, the heart of Lumina with its membership and services. Get sustainable benefits through cirrculation.

    Lumina builds economy, not ponzis. $LUM is a currency like bitcoin which has limited supply with halvening and aims to maintain with protocol fees in the end.

[ Numbers ]







Lumina proudly boasts 19.2k members on Telegram, showcasing the support from our community.

Lumina proudly boasts 19.2k members on Telegram, showcasing the support from our community.



Mainnet Users

Lumina has reached 1,000 mainnet users, reflecting the growing adoption and confidence in our platform.

Lumina has reached 1,000 mainnet users, reflecting the growing adoption and confidence in our platform.




Lumina has over 500 members on Discord, demonstrating our active and engaged user base.

Lumina has over 500 members on Discord, demonstrating our active and engaged user base.



  • Q2 2024

    Contract Release/Audit

    Relayer Release/Audit

    Validator Recruitment

    $LUM Staking Point Campaign

  • Q3 2024

    Testnet LSD bridge Launch

    Mainnet LSD bridge Launch

    Intent hackathon


  • Q4 2024

    Lumina Membership Launch

    Network expansions

  • Q1 2025

    Expanding continuous liquidity in new L2s and chains

    Multichain RWA tokenization

    Restaking pool curations and quests

  • Q2 2024

    Contract Release/Audit

    Relayer Release/Audit

    Validator Recruitment

    $LUM Staking Point Campaign

  • Q3 2024

    Testnet LSD bridge Launch

    Mainnet LSD bridge Launch

    Intent hackathon


  • Q4 2024

    Lumina Membership Launch

    Network expansions

  • Q1 2025

    Expanding continuous liquidity in new L2s and chains

    Multichain RWA tokenization

    Restaking pool curations and quests


  • Q2 2024

    Contract Release/Audit

    Relayer Release/Audit

    Validator Recruitment

    $LUM Staking Point Campaign

  • Q3 2024

    Testnet LSD bridge Launch

    Mainnet LSD bridge Launch

    Intent hackathon


  • Q4 2024

    Lumina Membership Launch

    Network expansions

  • Q1 2025

    Expanding continuous liquidity in new L2s and chains

    Multichain RWA tokenization

    Restaking pool curations and quests

[ Step by step ]





